Random Thought

(from a recent conversation on commuting) College students have a genetic disposition to sprint toward buses they will never catch, usually leaving them out of breadth in defeat.

Random Thought

(from a recent conversation on commuting) College students have a genetic disposition to sprint toward buses they will never catch, usually leaving them out of breadth in defeat.

GIS as the antagonist.

GIS as the antagonist.

Advertisement for Detroit Electric Cars, circa 1910.

Advertisement for Detroit Electric Cars, circa 1910.

The “Detroit ruins” thing is perhaps a bit overdone, but some good shots nonetheless…

The “Detroit ruins” thing is perhaps a bit overdone, but some good shots nonetheless…

Mechanical reproduction emancipates the work of art from its parasitical dependence on ritual.

Walter Benjamin

Mechanical reproduction emancipates the work of art from its parasitical dependence on ritual.

Walter Benjamin